Is your image living up to what you think your services are worth?

Consumers are very observant.  Even more observant are parents.  I happen to have a daughter who is a competitive “All Star” cheerleader.  Think Cheerleading and Gymnastics combined.  As you  can imagine this isn’t a cheap item for parents with kids on teams.  I don’t know about you, but when I pay top dollar for something I expect a certain experience.  Recently I was with my son when he was invited to a Gymnastics themed Birthday party at a facility known for the type of team my daughter is on in the Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area.  The pictures here are from their Men’s room.  It was disgusting. It smelled, it wasn’t clean and it was FALLING APART.

I went from thinking this place was a great place for Cheer and Gymnastics to thinking it was a dump.  The way I look at it, if they can’t pay attention to these details it makes me wonder what else they are ignoring.  Are they ignoring safety standards, are their coaches up to par, etc.

Moral of the story, if you think you are a Mercedes Dealership, the you better treat

your facility like that.  Otherwise you’ll lose everything you’ve worked hard to build.  You might have EVERYTHING else buttoned up, but a bathroom in dire need of cleaning and upkeep can destroy all of that.  I went from thinking this Gymnastic facility was a great one to thinking it was a dump.

Queensgate Hardware can help you with your commercial hardware needs.  Our Division 10 products will help you make sure you avoid issues like this.


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