What Are They Saying About You?
In business we hear companies talk about their “great customer service” and “we take great care of our employees”. These are marketing tag lines that have been used for generations. But consumers now are more aware of what’s going on in your business than you may be with the avid use of Social Media.

This is from the back door of a Cincinnati company.
Here’s what I’m talking about. Every so often we run across exit doors that would not be easy to exit out of. Either the door has broken hardware on it, needs a different function of hardware on it, or dragging the ground and instead of properly fixing the exit, the building maintenance or owner (if the door is not used often) modifies that exit. Below are a few exit doors we have came across on job sites that I have added to our library of doors. As you can see, if you wanted to exit out of these doors in a hurry, there is no chance of it! Not to mention there is about 5 pieces of hardware that is not needed on this pair of doors and not installed properly. And my favorite one is the door that is chained to the banister! IF you come across doors such as these or know of a place, contact us to help remedy this problem. The doors below do not pass building code and are a fire and life safety hazard. Also if you come across doors similar or that are in worse shape, snap a pictures and email it to me to add to my library of misfit doors!
Don’t be the next horror story on Facebook, let us help you secure your inventory properly and more importantly protect your customers & staff in case of an emergency.
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