The Little Details Will Kill Your Business
What’s the cost to your business to find a new customer? What’s your cost to retain that customer? Typically it’s much cheaper to retain customers than it is to find them. So this makes it super important to do what it takes in your business to make everyone who currently “Knows, Likes & Trusts” you stay as a happy customer.
It never ceases to amaze me the little things that companies miss that cost them customers. For example, in retail the 1st step to earning a customer is getting them to actually know you exist and them through your doors. So once you have them, it’s up to you to do what it takes to retain them. I’ve read many books that talk about the hardest part of marketing is to get them in the door. So you’d think that companies would handle their business to keep you once you walk into their business.
This is a first for me!! I went into a gas station last week and went back to the restrooms and this is what I saw on the Men’s Restroom Door! I thought, no big deal, I might have just happened and help is on the way.
But then I stopped in this same gas station a week later to see if the lock problem was fixed. Much to my surprise, the sign and broken lock were still there!!! How hard is it for a manager to do a walk through on his store and make a punch list of “MUST DO” repair items. This is a really quick fix and not very expensive. It is not difficult to get a new lock in this town. There are several hardware suppliers to choose from. More importantly you start to have thoughts creep into your customer’s minds about what else you might be missing. “How long has that hot dog REALLY been on that warmer”, “Is their gas top notch” and so on.
Long story short, the little things become big when not handled correctly and promptly.
I’ll finish with this, take a jar and put 3 big rocks in it. Now dump it out, pretty simple right? Now put the 3 rocks back in and pack it with hundreds of pebbles and sand. The rocks don’t come out so easy this time. Moral of the story, the little details will kill your business.
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