How Am I Doing?

Do you ever ask your clients or customers for feedback on how your performance is? Asking your customers how you are doing is a great way to improve your business and the way you operate. Many of us get caught up in the day to day running of the business and never take the time to ask. Others do not ask usually because they are afraid of what they hear might be negative. Negative feedback is actually a good thing-it’s a reality check; it reminds us that no matter how good we are at our job, there is always room for improvement.

In Ivan Misner’s book “The 29% Solution”, he states there are (5) main reasons why we do not ask for feedback (1) we’re afraid the response will be negative; (2) we don’t know who to ask; (3) we don’t know when to ask; (4) we don’t know how to ask; and (5) we don’t want to take up other people’s time.
There are several ways to consider on how to ask for feedback. Many companies use questionnaires, some hand it out upon completion of a job, others ask by email. However, it is a good idea to integrate a feedback system into your day to day operations so your business can benefit from it.
A few months ago I set up a booth at an expo.  While I was setting up, a lady that is on my newsletter list came up to me and said, “I read your newsletter last week, I didn’t know that gate entry you wrote about existed!”  I was shocked & excited that someone actually read MY newsletter!  At that point, I saw an opportunity to ask her what she thought of the newsletter and if there were any topics she would like to see in the future.

Note: You shouldn’t ask for feedback unless you are ready to hear it-and respond to it.


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